ATV Safety
Helmet Fitting for ATV, Motorcycle, Side-by-Side, Snowmobile, or UTV. Selecting a helmet that fits appropriately is paramount to ensuring it provides the protection it was designed to. Thanks to Alsport Sales Ltd. in Regina for their participation.
Unloading an ATV
Ride Right - A Public Service Announcement that may Save Your Life.
All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Safety Poster
The Saskatchewan All Terrain Vehicle Association (SATVA) is a great resource for ATV/UTV safety and other related information about the vehicles.
Water Safety
Drowning Prevention
For more information on water safety and drowning prevention, visit the Lifesaving Society Saskatchewan Branch.
Motorcycle Safety
Snowmobile Safety
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$25 and over.
Charitable Registration Number: 11914-0382-RR
A tax deductible receipt will be issued for donations of
$25 and over.
Charitable Registration Number: 11914-0382-RR
A tax deductible donation to the Saskatchewan Safety Council helps support our efforts to Create a Province of Safety Excellence.
Your commitment makes a difference in the development and delivery of safety and injury prevention education
and resources throughout the province of Saskatchewan and online.
Your commitment makes a difference in the development and delivery of safety and injury prevention education
and resources throughout the province of Saskatchewan and online.