In recent years, "Mental health" has transitioned from the complex world of psychology into to a prominent everyday subject. This term has historically been shrouded in various stigmas, and is still sometimes received with discomfort, or a hesitancy to listen. However, through steady exposure and open conversation, healthy discussions pertaining to one's mental well-being are slowly becoming more common in Saskatchewan. We asked thirteen members of our community, why is talking openly about mental health important to you? Their answers varied, but one sentiment was ubiquitous throughout the group. No matter how you are feeling, it can help to talk. For others, it can help to listen. So Saskatchewan, don't hide it. Speak up.
FREE Mental Health Resiliancy Training is available for everyone in Saskatchewan. Share this resource with your students, coworkers, family and friends to nurture healthy mindsets in your loved ones.
Free training and resources are made available thanks to contributions from our Donors, Members and Sponsors that believe in our shared goal of creating a province of safety excellence. |
November 2023