Members of our training team were on the scene, including motorcycle and ATV instructors. These recreational vehicle gurus set up live displays, featuring a motorcycle and ATV, ready to talk two and four wheels with any recreational vehicle enthusiasts who dropped by. Remember, we are always looking for paid instructors to help us run our Regina and Saskatoon courses. If you’re interested in joining our team, email us at [email protected]. Colouring Contest
We chose three lucky winners from each age category (5-7, 8-10, 11 and up) in our Safety Superhero colouring contest. As a take-home activity, each contest participant received a youth-oriented ATV and Motorcycle colouring sheet which contained important safety information about each recreational vehicle.
We would like to thank all volunteers and Saskatchewan Safety Council staff who helped make this event one to remember! Feedback received from parents and children was outstanding. All those who attended expressed their appreciation for the variety of activities and take-home materials.
Want to host a safety themed event in your community? It's easy with our FREE Amazing Safety Quest materials! Comments are closed.
November 2023